Only little babies do that…

a blog by Emily\’s mother

Hiccupy Baby

Posted by Caroline on November 21, 2006

Hic…..!Since having Emily, I’ve discovered that there are plenty of things they don’t tell you about babies, but perhaps the most surprising one was the fact that they get hiccups. A lot. In Emily’s case, she got her first bout of them when she was just a day old and I was still in hospital recovering from my Caesarean. Little girl had just had a feed when she broke into a bout of uncontrollable hiccuping – and naturally, being a new and rather bewildered mum, I panicked.

When a midwife eventually came to my aid, following much frantic pressing of the call button, I pointed out to her that my baby was hiccuping and I didn’t know what to do. She reassured me that it’s quite common for babies and was nothing to worry about, but the fact it was normal baby behaviour came as news to me.

Since then, Emily has had a bout of the hiccups on an almost daily basis – true, they’ve tailed off a bit recently (ever since she learned the art of self-burping – these days, instead of my having to pat her on the back after she’s had a feed, she simply sits on my lap looking a bit lost and puzzled until the wind comes up). But she still has days when she gets one, or two, or four bouts of them.

What’s even more surprising is how little it seems to bother her. My own experience of hiccups is that they can be quite uncomfortable at times, yet Emily appears totally unphased by the whole experience, either looking a little bit surprised as she hiccups away, or just dismissing them as a minor inconvenience that isn’t going to get in the way of playtime.

They didn’t even seem to concern her the other week when she broke into a fit of giggles in the supermarket, while tackling a bout of hiccups at the same time. The resulting hiccupy giggly noise was rather peculiar, but somewhat adorable nonetheless.

6 Responses to “Hiccupy Baby”

  1. katharina said

    Oh that poor baby! I really dislike getting them, but it sounds as if she takes them in stride. I was trying to remember my daughter getting them often and I don’t think she did. Wonder what causes that?

  2. katharina said

    Oh that poor baby! I really dislike getting them, but it sounds as if she takes them in stride. I was trying to remember my daughter getting them often and I don’t think she did. Wonder what causes babies to get them?

  3. Melanie said

    I would think babies get them for the same reason adults do. We all have diaphrams 🙂 My youngest thinks its hilarious when he gets hiccups. I got that giggling/hiccuping sound a lot.

  4. Eldragon said

    I thought I was a anxious mother, but I never worried about hiccups! Now checking the baby every five minutes all night long – that I did.

  5. tater03 said

    This is commen in most babies. What I found funny was my youngest used to get them all the time when I was pregnant with him. It used to make my husband laugh. You could actually feel the hiccups throught my stomach.

  6. Starlily said

    Me too! I was trying to remember if my kids had them when they were babies, but what I remember most was them having hiccups in my stomach when I was pregnant!

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